Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Unanswered questions

Do all questions have answers? I feel few of my questions are unanswerable. If I try to sit and think answering them, eventually forgetting my question :P... So, I was wondering whether or not others too have such unanswered questions in them. Again, I have no answer!!! My basic question - why people are so biased? Let me make it more clear. Why are people more partial toward some and neglect others? This may be in schools, colleges, families, among friends etc. Teachers in the school are more partial towards children from affluent background. In families, some members are always neglected(i better stop at this ;)). Friends often ill-treat those hailing from humble background. So everything boils down to money. But again, why is money the deciding factor? I have never been able to answer this. Teachers don't value the abilities in children from simple families. Friends try to belittle the ones with less spending abilities. In families, the one with the humble background is always taken granted for. When will this bias stop??

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